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Repeek v5.2.0

More bugs fixed and polished Elo & skill level features 💅

All the changes at a glance below.

What's New

  • Minimum Elo of current skill level and minimum Elo for next skill level/challenger rank have both been added to player profile stats and in the right sidebar.

What's Changed

  • Removed ban history feature on player profiles as FACEIT has stopped including expired bans in their data.
  • Numbers like Elo and stats are now formatted for better readability, especially with large numbers like rank.

What's Fixed

  • Fixed player encounters in matchrooms where it wasn't shown when one of your last 100 matches was a bye (no opponent).
  • Fixed map veto stats positioning where they weren't centered properly.
  • Fixed team Elo gain/loss prediction in club matches where it was wrongly swapped.
  • Fixed progress bar in Elo & skill level features where the progress wasn't displayed correctly.


Repeek will be automatically updated by your browser.

If you can't wait, you can manually trigger an update if you're using Chrome or a Chromium browser:

  1. In your browser menu, go to ExtensionsManage Extension or enter chrome://extensions/ in your address bar.
  2. Enable Developer mode on the top right.
  3. Click on Update on the top left.
  4. Repeek should be updated and show version 5.1.0.

On Firefox this version is still in review and it can take up to 7 days for it to be available. You can find an .xpi file to manually install this version on our Discord.

Tweet us on X (formerly Twitter) or join our Discord to let us know what you think. We love having the community help shape the future of Repeek.

Tim (@timche_) – Creator of Repeek